An artist’s rendition of my new look, sporting goggle-type eyewear, along with famed members of the GPGW…Kareen Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Phelps, and “Gordon” from the movie “Dodgeball”.
Sjogren’s Syndrome sucks. There’s no getting around that fact. Been diagnosed about 3 years, with various fun symptoms, but the crappiest one by far are my eyes. Sjogren’s is an autoimmune disease, which among other things, attacks moisture-secreting glands for your eyes and mouth. Dry eye, dry mouth, fatigue, joint pain and other fun things are symptoms. My eyes have been god-awful lately, so dry that as the day goes on I have a hard time seeing. Saw my dr. today, and among other things, he said I really should get protective eyewear that holds in moisture and prevents air circulation around my eyes.
Goggle Time!! OK, perhaps not goggles themselves, but something similar that seals in your eyes. I am about to join the Great Pantheon of Goggle Wearers (That’s the GPGW to you). GPGW inductees must meet two conditions: 1) They must wear goggle-type eyewear a significant portion of the time, and 2) they must be famous. It certainly looks like I’ll be meeting condition #1 very soon. As for condition #2? The very fact that you are reading this blog must mean I’m famous, right?
I certainly expect the inductee paperwork to arrive soon after I don my goggles. I can hardly wait to join the ranks of these fine, famed folk.